If you're not outraged you're not paying attention.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Alright folks, let's clear up a misconception. If you are driving a car, especially in the city, and you are attempting to make a right turn onto a cross street against a light or stop sign the fact that there is no longer anyone coming from your left does not mean the entire road is clear. There is still a crosswalk which may have pedestrians or CYCLISTS in it.

Of course this would not require addressing if people weren't in the habit of looking in the OPPOSITE DIRECTION from that in which they are traveling while in a car. Just a note; THAT'S A BAD HABIT!

Why, you may ask, do you, Gary, seem to find this subject so near and dear to your heart? Good question; I'm glad you brought it up. Here's the answer. Yesterday I got hit, for the second time in my life, by a fellow who didn't seem to think looking in front of his car before pressing the accelerator is a key component to driving.

The first time this happened to me I got broadsided by a guy pulling out from a side street. I was thrown onto his hood, whereupon he slammed on his brakes and threw me out into traffic. I survived with little damage to myself. This time I was crossing with the light at a major intersection and a guy making a right turn against the light hit the back of my bike. Luckily I don't have clip pedals and was able to lift my leg out of the way. In both cases my bike was rendered unridable.

So, in all seriousness, watch for cyclists when you're driving. An absent-minded moment on your part can result in their death, and that's to be avoided, eh?