If you're not outraged you're not paying attention.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Wisch-a-what? Wischism Defined

A Wischism.

During my stint in the military folks got tired of saying my full last name. So they just called me Wisch. If I could have used it on official documents we all would have been happy.

At any rate I've decided to carve my own little piece out of the world wide web where I will share those things I find worth sharing. These may include amusing things the kids said or did on a given day. Since I'm a personal trainer they may include exercise tips. They may simply be some tidbit concerning one of my various hobbies and interests from Dungeons and Dragons to The Fair Tax. Interspersed throughout one may find the occasional rant about the state of affairs in the world today delivered from a staunchly conservative Christian homeschooler. And by 'occasional' I mean 'more often to be found than anything else'.

So, family, friends and anyone else who stumbles along and finds the atmosphere in here agreeable (or enticingly disagreeable) pull up a chair, grab a Wischism and dig in. Respond as suits you. I prefer polite, though occasinally heated, debate rather than insults and I'll be respectful if you will. If you won't I may send some of my more redneck friends around to visit you, like me they don't think much of gun control and have the hardware to prove it.


  1. Looking good my friend. Welcome to the Blogosphere.

  2. What's your problem with fairs and why do you want to tax them so bad? Also, is it all fairs or are you bent on getting money out of a particular kind like say County or State?

  3. No, no, Renaissance Fairs. Those people are freaks and we should just tax the heck out of them...
