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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Teeth Brushing Amusement Ride

So, one of the little rituals that has developed in my house is "Whose turn is it to ride on Daddy's back while he brushes his teeth?" Just before I leave to go to work in the morning, after we've all had breakfast together, I brush my teeth in my bathroom. On one particular day my Darling Daughter asked, yet again, if she could have a piggyback ride just as I was heading in to scrub the pearly whites. Feeling benevolant I agreed. She pushed open the bedroom and bathroom door with her foot as well as flicking on the light with her toes then sat atop my back while I took care of my chompers. The entire exercise amused her very much and the wiggling I produced as I moved my hand back and forth while leaning against the sink made her giggle. So, we repeated the whole operation the next day.

Now, anyone with multiple children knows one child cannot have fun without the others wanting in on it. The Little Man wanted his turn on Daddy's back for the Teeth Brushing Wiggle Ride. Which means it is now my duty to try to remember each day whose turn it is to sit on my back while I brush my teeth. Luckily our Eldest doesn't want in on the action. He's taller than his mother now, so this particular ride might break down pretty quickly if he were part of the rotation.

Plus, I think he thinks he's too old to giggle.

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