If you're not outraged you're not paying attention.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Well Said President Obama!

Here is a link to the text of Obama's speech to the 2010 graduating class of the University of Michigan. Now, since I've become quite conservative in more recent years and our President is anything but conservative I usually find something I disagree with in his addresses whenever he speaks. Yet, today I'm not here to argue or criticize. I was quite impressed with pretty much everything he had to say. I am quite sure if we got down to the nuts and bolts of how to accomplish some of the broad goals he laid out for the students of Michigan we would disagree on most points. However, the President didn't take the opportunity afforded him by this particular spotlight to make specific ideology an issue, and I applaud him. He did exhort the students to challenge their thinking by exposing themselves to differing viewpoints. He also urged them to educate themselves on the issues. Not least of all he suggested that they participate in their community/government warning that allowing frustration to cause them to turn away would only leave a vaccum which would be filled by the radicals who are left when reasoning citizens vacate the field.

Perhaps most importantly of all the President called for civility from both ends of the political spectrum stating that while disagreement and passionate response are to be expected hate filled rhetoric benefits no one (my paraphrase). Amen, Obama! I may vehemently disagree with my opponent, but attacking his character because I disagree with his policies is disingenuous, inflammatory and will never lead to a resolution.

Fight for your beliefs with vigilance and vigor, but remember, that's all the other guy is trying to do. So, maybe extend a little grace and, perhaps, accept the possibility that, policies notwithstanding, you may have a lot more in common with his motivations and character than you thought.

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